Saturday, August 31, 2019

Marriage Verses Living Together

I remember when my husband and I were dating and we both decided to move in with each other rather quickly. We both felt in order to really get to know one another; we had to see how compatible we both were. Because of this, in just a short three years, we were married but living together really proved to be a valuable lesson for the future. In today’s society many people are getting married and divorced at record rates which are really affecting people views psychologically when it comes to marriage vs. cohabitation; therefore, I plan on exploring both options to see how both of these options work. A marriage is a legally binding agreement that grants each partner a wider range of rights and responsibilities. Ending this type of relationship requires a legal procedure. Cohabitation is the act of living together without a legally recognized union. This allows individuals to part ways with less difficulty than if they were married. However, both kinds of couples do live together and therefore spend most of their time together. Married people and cohabiting people are in serious relationships, they don’t generally decide to cohabit with someone they are just casually dating. People who are married are extremely committed to one another but neither couple will be unsure of their relationship or in a relationship with someone they don’t know very well. Married or cohabiting couples don’t have to completely pool their resources; both kinds of couples do have a financial stake in the relationship. At the very least, both will pay half of the rent or mortgage on a house or apartment. This means that both people in both kinds of relationships have something tangible to lose should the relationship fail. Married and cohabiting people are in intimate relationships. This essentially always includes some sexual intimacy; if there is no sexual intimacy in a married or cohabiting relationship, then it is not really a marriage or even a romantic relationship. While some people date without living together and not having sex, couples who live together are almost always in sexual relationships, whether they’re married or not. People commonly insist that a piece of paper, referring to the marriage license, is the only difference between marriage and cohabitation, this is far from being true. A marriage license is a document that drastically alters a relationship. One major way that it does this is by preserving the relationship even if one or both partners walk away. Marriages do not simply dissolve because individuals do not like the way that things are going and wish to invest their energy elsewhere. Instead, a couple must go through a divorce and have a court terminate their relationship. When two people cohabit, they live according to an agreement that may be based on a number of factors, such as emotions or financial convenience, but generally there is no legal responsibility binding one to the other. If the moment arises when the situation no longer seems suitable, both parties can instantly sever their ties. In most jurisdictions, there is not a special body of law regulating how cohabitants’ property should be divided or how the least financially fit partner should be cared for after the break up. With married partners, however, these are major considerations. Another major difference between marriage and cohabitation is liberty. When people marry, they take vows, which are legal and usually religiously sanctioned promises. A married person is not free to enter into intimate relations with other people. In addition to the threat of divorce and the financial ramifications that it can have for the guilty party, it is also possible in many states for one spouse to sue another for adultery. When people cohabitate, relinquishing the liberty to intimately fraternize with others is a choice, and if a person act contrarily, it poses no legal threat. Marriage and cohabitation also differ with regards to the decision-making. Spouses belong to one another, and if there is a life or death decision to be made and one person is unable to do so, her partner will be called upon to act on her behalf. When individuals are cohabiting, they do not generally gain the right or responsibility of making decisions for their partners, no matter how long they stay together. While many people choose to live together, others still prefer marriage. Research has shown that couples who marry generally feel more secure and are more committed to making their relationship work. People should never move in together for convenience. It should be a well thought decision that is preceded by plenty of discussion and planning.

Friday, August 30, 2019

Suicide and Adolescent Psychology

Adolescent Psychology is a difficult specialty within the field. Many of the normal phases of adolescent development look like pathologies, and perhaps would be classified as such if the patients were adults. Thus, it is difficult, even for a trained professional, to tell the difference between a true pathology, and a â€Å"normal† mood or personality pattern associated with adolescent development.An area where this deficiency can lead to grave circumstances is the realm of adolescent depression and suicide. Although true suicidal tendencies can be difficult to spot in adolescent behavior, timely identification and proper treatment are important goals of Adolescent psychologists. Although causal theories differ, the treatment of teen suicide attempts and depression is fairly consistent across adolescent theorists.Typical symptomology of suicidal tendencies in adults has several features. (Symptoms†¦2007) The underlying psychological cause of such ideations is usually depr ession. (Symptoms†¦2007) Symptoms of depression include sleeping pattern disruptions, feelings of low self-worth, loss of interest in pleasurable activities and lack of energy.(Symptoms†¦2007) One of the key indicators that a depressed adult is contemplating suicide is self-report. (Symptoms†¦2007) Often, adults are not treated for suicidal depression until after they had made an attempt on their own life. (Symptoms†¦2007)   Treatment for long-term depression in adults typically consists of medication and extensive therapy. (Symptoms†¦2007)They type and length of therapy is contingent on many factors. (Symptoms†¦2007) These include the specialty of the therapist, the diagnosed underlying condition, and the severity of the depressive state. Similarly, the medical regime for adults with suicidal depression varies as a function of the underlying psychological cause for the depression. (Symptoms†¦2007)Typical depressive mood disorders are treated wit h anti-depressants, while personality or perception disorders, which can lead to a secondary depressive condition, are better treated with medication targeted to the underlying disorder. (Symptoms†¦2007)As complicated as the diagnosis and treatment of suicidal depression is in adults, it is even more so in the adolescent population. (Teen Suicide†¦2005)   Suicide is the third-most common cause of death among individuals between the ages of fifteen and twenty-four. (Teen Suicide†¦2005)  There are large gender differences in accounting for teen suicide, but they are explained more by the methods used, than any particular predilection toward the act. (Teen Suicide†¦2005)   83% of adolescent suicides are males, whereas females make more attempts at suicide.(Teen Suicide†¦2005)   The discrepancy can be explained by the fact that males are far more likely to use a gun in their attempts, while the method of choice for females is pills. (Teen Suicide†¦2 005)   Of the two, the chances for success are much higher among those who use a gun. (Teen Suicide†¦2005)  According to the National institute of Mental health, successful suicides among adolescents number about 8 in 100,000. (Teen Suicide†¦2005)     Attempts at suicide are estimated to be much higher. (Teen Suicide†¦2005)The National Youth Violence Prevention Resource center found that about one in five teens think about suicide, one in six have actually planned for it, and one in twelve had attempted suicide in the past year(Teen Suicide†¦2005)   . As is the case with adults, most (about 90%) of adolescent suicide victims have an underlying mental disorder. (Teen Suicide†¦2005)One moder theory of suicide in adolescence is espoused by Dr. David Elkind. He posits that there is a gap between physical and psychological development, which causes stress in the adolescent. (Elkind, 1998) Dr. Elkind theorizes that teenagers, who are often treated as adu lts at home and in schools, are not as complete in their psychological development as they are in their physical development.(Elkind, 1998) This results, opines Dr. Elkind in a stressful dissonance that can lead to suicidal ideation. (Elkind, 1998)   Additionally, exposing an adolescent to adult-type stressors, such as deadlines, appointments and specific goal-driven activities can cause stress. (Elkind, 1998)   This stress can lead to depression and suicide. (Elkind, 1998)On the other side of the coin, Dr. Elkind believes that over scheduling a young child may leave him or her bored when the structure surrounding the child disappears in their teen years. (Elkind, 1998) This subsequent lack of direction can also lead to depression. (Elkind, 1998)This theory suggests a preventative viewpoint on teen suicide. (Elkind, 1998)   Once an adolescent articulates a desire for suicide, or makes the attempt, Dr. Elkind recommends the standard psychological treatment, and medication, if w arranted. (Elkind, 1998)A more environmental viewpoint is espoused by Dr. Bronfenbrenner. (Paquette & Ryan, n.d.)   He views human development as an interaction between individuals and a system of bioecological systems. (Paquette & Ryan, n.d.) He views any psychopathology, including teen depression or suicide as a dysfunction whose development is engendered by deficiencies in the mesosystem (immediate social surroundings) of the individual.(Paquette & Ryan, n.d.) This approach to development does not lend itself particularly well to the treatment phase of suicide in adolescents, rather, it offers a socially-constructed theory for the phenomenon. (Paquette & Ryan, n.d.)Preventative â€Å"treatment† in this paradigm would consist of fostering a healthy, positive mesosystem around the individual, so that they might develop in a psychologically healthy manner. Again, one is forced to conclude that an already-depressed or suicidal teen would be best served by therapy and possibl e pharmaceutical remedies. (Paquette & Ryan, n.d.)A more cognitive approach to adolescent behavior is espoused by Dr. Robert Selman. (Selman’s†¦2002) His theories, which are derived from those of Piaget, rely on modeling and other cognitive methods to explain behavior. (Selman’s†¦2002)As such, he would explain the phenomenon of adolescent suicide as a response to a social context where such behavior is observed to have a positive outcome. (Selman’s†¦2002) Rarely would the cues be direct, but cultural stimuli such as music, television, and movies could inadvertently (or blatantly) glamorize the practice of suicide, and compel an adolescent, especially one who already suffers from depression or some other psychological ailment to attempt suicide. (Selman’s†¦2002)  Of these theories, the one whose suggested treatment appears to be most effective is Selman’s. Cognitive therapy has been found to decrease repeated suicide attempts b y 50%. (Asher, 2005) While this particular study focused on adults, there is little reason to think that the results would be demonstrably different with adolescents.(Asher, 2005) Interestingly, the same cannot be said of pharmaceutical treatment options. (DeNoon, 2002) It has been shown that teens who take antidepressants actually have an increased rate of suicide than those who do not. (DeNoon, 2002) Recent evidence suggests, however, that the same studies prove that the conclusion drawn from the data was erroneous, as the scientists failed to control for other variables such as severity of the depression, and other factors.(DeNoon, 2002)   Despite these conflicting findings, or perhaps because of them, a therapist should be cautious about â€Å"throwing drugs at the problem† and dismissing a patient with a prescription. (DeNoon, 2002)   In addition to the pitfalls of possible adverse effects of the drugs themselves, this kind of treatment is far more vulnerable to nega tive outcomes hinged on misdiagnosis.(DeNoon, 2002)   If a closely monitored patient is found to have another type of disorder, to which depression is merely a secondary characteristic, that therapist can make the appropriate pharmacological and therapeutic revisions. (DeNoon, 2002)   If, on the other hand, an underlying condition is missed, and the patient dismissed with antidepressants, the results could be tragic. (DeNoon, 2002)Owing to the nature of serotonin-stimulating drugs, which most antidepressants are, an effect of a non-depressed person taking this medication is the onset of severe depression. (DeNoon, 2002)   This would result in the therapist causing the very symptoms he or she is attempting to relieve. (DeNoon, 2002)The main commonality of all of these perspectives is the need to monitor closely the disposition of the patient. The only way to differentiate true depression from a phasic anomaly of normal adolescent development is to observe the behavior and respo nses over a long period of time.For example, behavior that might be characterized as bipolar, buts of high energy and enthusiasm contrasted with lethargy and depression may be the normal reaction to hormone development in an adolescent. Without context, it is almost impossible to tell the difference Thus, the best preventative measure would be to treat any suicidal ideation as a serious symptom and have a therapist interact for a long period with the adolescent. ReferencesAsher, J. (2005). â€Å"Cognitive Therapy Reduces Repeat Suicide Attempts by 50 Percent.† Retrieved October 28th, 2008 from The National Institutes of Health (NIH) website:  DeNoon, D. (2002) â€Å"Teen Suicide, Antidepressant Link Questioned.† Retrieved October 28th, 2008 from WebMD website:, D. (1998) All Grown Up and No Place To Go. Peresus Publishing, Cam bridge, MA. Pp. 1-290.Paquette, D. & Ryan, J. (n.d.) â€Å"Bronfenbrenner’s Ecological Systems Theory.† Retrieved October 28th, 2008 from National-Louis University website:â€Å"Selman's Five Stages of Perspective Taking,† (2002) Retrieved October 28th, 2008 from Everything-2 website:â€Å"Symptoms of Depression†. (2007) retrieved October 28th, 2008 from Psychology 24Ãâ€"7 website:â€Å"Teen Suicide Statistics.† (2005) retrieved October 28th, 2008 from Teen Depression website:

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Message Passing Interface - not a title just area Essay

Message Passing Interface - not a title just area - Essay Example The MPI specification results from an MPI-Forum that entails several standards upon a movable system. Additionally, the standard is not specific on the explicit joint-memory processes, explicit support, and debugging facilities. The argument is that procedures proposed and established to increase the standard of implementation of the MPI in highly performing clusters like the Gigabit Ethernet and InfiniBand are useful in programming of parallel appliances; most clusters’ demonstration critically depend on the communication presentation of the routines provided by the library of the MPI. Historical Context and Development The message passing interface work started in 1991when a group of researchers began deliberations at a certain retreat in Austria. In another workshop, there were discussions on the Standards for Message Passing within an environment of Distributed Memory Environment in Virginia in 1992. During the workshop, there was a debate on the primary traits vital to a typical message-passing interface and a functional group created to commence the process of standardization (Gropp, Ewing & Anthony 1999, P. 27). Drafting of an introductory draft preceded this process in the same year, as a proposal to the project by three researchers. This was the MPI1. Thereafter, an assembly of the MPI team was conducted in Minneapolis. The working group of the MPI met frequently in 1993, and it comprised of people commonly from America and Europe. The standard of the MPI describes the semantics and syntax of a principal of library practices beneficial to many users drafting programs on portable message passing in C and Fortran (Gropp, Ewing & Anthony 2007, P. 790). In an effort to establish a real platform for message passing, the researchers integrated the most expedient traits of a number of systems into MPI as opposed to choosing one system to assume as a standard. Attributes were utilized from p4, Express, IBM, Intel, and PVM among other systems. Currently, the message-passing standard is striking due to its wide portability. It can thus be used in conveying messages for shared memory and distributed memory networks, multiprocessors, and a mixture of these rudiments (Foster & Nicholas 1988, P. 4). Application of the paradigm exists in several settings, regardless of memory planning or network speed. Critical Analysis of Current Trend The output of the plan for implementing an MPI presents crucial issues for computing systems of high performance. This especially applies for more progressive processor technological systems. Consequently, benchmarking the implementation of MPI on multi-core designs can be measured by ascertaining the Open MPI combined communication performance on the Gigabit Ethernet, as well as the infiniBand group, using SKaMPI (Ismail, et al 2013, P. 455). In the past years, clusters have developed into key architecture engaged for computing systems of high performance. The emergent style of the use of clusters as Hig h Performance Computing has led to numerous research in the discipline, especially in the standard method used for communicating between nodes (Gropp, Ewing & Anthony 1999, P. 29). Another significant factor which can impact the performance of communication of clusters is the clusters interconnect. Slower interconnects are capable of slowing down processes. The preferable cluster interconnect has to offer non-blocking inter-connect architecture and low dormancy great

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Madeline Leininger Middle Range Theory Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Madeline Leininger Middle Range Theory - Essay Example These insights introduced a phenomenon related to nursing called cultural care nursing. This theory addresses the cultural dynamics influencing the nurse-client relationship. This gives the theory uniqueness because it focuses on features of nursing, and it studies and explains the outcome of the nursing care (McEwen & Wills, 2011). Describe Why You Believe This Theory Is a Unique Nursing Theory Based On Your Application of the Criteria from the Text Culture care theory has contributing features that make it a unique theory. This theory, launched in 1950s remains the oldest nursing theory. It focuses solely on the interrelationship of care and culture of a person’s health, well being, death, health, and illness. It also focuses on comparative cultural care. Through its multidimensional and holistic nature, the theory developed multifaceted culture based care practices and meaning. It focuses on global, cultural care diversities and universalities. The theory also incorporates a designed research method called ethno nursing. In addition to its three action modes, the theory has practical and abstract features that help in delivering a cultural congruent care. Most of all, the theory focuses on professional and generic culture care, worldview related data, social structure factors and ethno history in a variety of environmental contexts. The theory originated from the theorist’s diverse and extensive anthropological insights, nursing experience, values, creative thinking and life experiences that immensely contribute to use and study. These features of the theory make it a powerful tool for new practices and knowledge in healthcare contexts (Sitzman & Eichelberger, 2009). Describe the Origin, and Background of the Theory and Theorist Born in Nebraska in 1948, Madeleine Leininger received her nursing diploma from St. Antony’s School of Nursing, Denver, Colorado. In 1950, she received her undergraduate, and in 1954, she received her Master†™s of Science in Mental Health and Psychiatry. She received her PhD in Social and Cultural Anthropology in 1965. Throughout her career, she acknowledged the importance of care in nursing. She received frequent appreciations from patients she gave care. While working in a children’s guidance home, she experienced a cultural shock from the recurrent behavior of children on a cultural basis. She identified care and culture knowledge as the link in nurse’s ability to comprehend the variations in patient care and support of healing, compliance and wellness. In 1950, the knowledge, she acquired helped her develop the phenomenal culture care nursing. Culture care theory originated from Leninger’s experience and knowledge in the role of capabilities of culture in nursing (Sitzman & Eichelberger, 2009). Leninger considers the theory to be a middle range theory because it has dimensions for assessing the total nursing picture. However, it has comprehensive and holistic capabilities for a broader nursing practice application than traditionally expected of a middle range theory. The theory provides harmonious care measures for groups or individual’s practices, values and beliefs. The primary goal of the theory lies on cultural congruent care. The culture care theory resulted from the theorists devoted consciousness and an ever changing world in which the individuals interact with

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Paradigm Positions Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Paradigm Positions - Essay Example Shawer and â€Å"Digital natives: where is the evidence?† by E. J. Helsper and R. Eynon yielded ample amount of information to me. The overall purpose of the articles, their theoretical framework and methodologies used were relatively conveyed in the first encounter itself. While the former article sought to eliminate the unempirical demarcation between the young and adult users of technology by offering scientific evidence in support, the latter looked forward to establishing the utility of communicative-based techniques in teaching and learning through analysis of data collected in a survey. However, a certain degree of ambiguity and obscurity persisted in the proper understanding of few terms and jargons used in the articles But a second reading enabled a better understanding of those explicit terms and jargons used by the authors. For instance, the meaning and significance of the terms like â€Å"digital native†, â€Å"digital immigrants† and â€Å"breadth o f experience† used by Helsper and Eynon and acronyms like â€Å"CLT† and â€Å"EFL† used by Shawer became clearer following the second reading. The second reading thus helped in closing the gaps that were created in the first reading. Both the articles deal with the interaction of learners with technology and the extent to which technology plays a role in their learning process. Helsper and Eynon’s study attempts to challenge the popularly held belief that people’ ability to engage with technology is a function of generational differences. They assert that the previous researchers had not considered the influence of social and cultural factors on learning. But Helsper and Eynontake into account these influences as part of their ontological and epistemological position. Their work seeks to defy the premise of correlation between age and technology use by establishing the fact that there are

Monday, August 26, 2019

Family Culture and Tradition Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Family Culture and Tradition - Essay Example ctivities like chores, hobbies or classes that may be associated with the opposite gender and being treated as equals no matter what age or gender have inculcated in all of us strong values that we carry out in our own lives as adults. One tradition we have is sticking to a daily routine as much as we can. I clearly remember, at 6:00 every weekday morning, alarm clocks ring in our bedrooms. As my siblings and I come down to the kitchen, dressed for school, we see our mother busily preparing breakfast for all of us. Like in any other family, this is the time when everyone is in a hurry as we race around the house to get what we need for school. Our parents, on the other hand, prepare for work. Our father drops us off in school before going to the office. Our mother is left at home as she cleans up the mess we have left behind before she herself goes to work. We all have our own different schedules during the day. After school, my siblings and I proceed to our own activities – ballet, art class, violin lesson and karate class. We all have a full day before assembling back home when we arrive at different times. We children rest in front of the television or take a nap in our rooms, then do our chores and homework. We take turns helping out in the kitchen as our parents prepare dinner. Even our parents take turns cooking dinner with Mom cooking on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays and Dad cooking on Tuesdays and Thursdays. On weekends, we all pitch in cooking our meals or eat out. We usually have dinner together at 7:30. At the dinner table, everyone shares what happened to them during the day. Another special tradition we have at the dinner table is talking about our ‘up’ times and our ‘down’ times referring to the good and bad things that happened to us during the day. Sometimes, our talks are serious, but most of the time, we laugh and have fun with each other’s company. The dinner conversations we have keep us all updated with each other’s lives. I

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Listening log Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Listening log - Essay Example It is even more astonishing to lay out some conclusions that the artist ids deploying some undesirable traits about the husband. As the song begins, there is an orchestrated rhythm of the singers, who sings in a group. All the song participants participate harmoniously bringing up a great architecture of the song. The harmony is calculated so well, and it renders the song livelily and enjoyable. Essentially, the backup voice not only brings up a well-blended song but also establishes clear lyrics. The timbre variance brought about by the guitar further enhances the rhythm and song flow. The melody of the song brings up a tension field, especially where one tends to question why the artist is comparing a husband to a baby. The song’s texture is a bit rough, with the occasional eruption of background voices, assisted melodies and combination of drum sets and guitars. Sometimes the notes are high, at other times they are low. The song remains a great music icon; to the rock lovers they will always nod their heads when the song is on the air. Despite its production in 1966, the song Red House by Jimi Hedrix remains an influential song that would send people stumping their feet due to the rhythm and tempo of the song. The song expressed the tribulations vividly that people in love used to undergo during that time. The music performance is done under a full band, making it iconic and admirable. Utilization of a guitar grants it full flow and ideal harmony. The song remains a perfect example of the blues songs that do utilize the stereo imaging effects to come up with an entertaining blues song. Hendrix is the chief leader in the vocals while others simply follow. He also plays the guitar. The song is of a high standard, having being replicated by other artists such as Slash. Primarily, its starting tone of imperative, distorted guitar and the following vocals brings up a great musical

Performance Measurement and Management Assignment

Performance Measurement and Management - Assignment Example This is also ensures that transparency is achieved because stakeholders are informed on the choices the organization intends to take. In addition, it assists an organization to monitor its progress towards its set objectives and standards of performance (Lichiello and Turnock, 2010). In addition, Myer (2005) highlights that performance management is the coordination of activities, which ensures that organizational goals are effectively achieved. It is also the use of performance measures and standards by an organization to ensure that the desired results are met Lichiello and Turnluck, 2010). In performance management, an organization matches its resources, systems and workforce towards desired objectives. Employees, organizations departments and processes in the organization can be the basis of performance management (Lichiello and Turnock, 2010). Myer (2005) also highlights that the benefits of performance management include; reduced costs by decreasing the time of achieving goals and reducing project overruns, motivation of employees by using incentive plans for goals achieved, improved engagement and transparency, and lastly, improved control of organization activities through proper data relationships. This paper will highlight and describe in detail the va rious performance measures that can be used by Allulite Windows and Joinery in measuring performance, and it will emphasize on the balanced score card approach and why it is favorable for the company than any other methods. In general, the metrics of measuring performance in an organization can be broadly classified into financial and nonfinancial measures. Some of the financial measures include the Return on Investment (ROI), Residual income (RI) and discounted cash flow methods such as the NPV method. On the other hand, the nonfinancial performance measures include

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Lynn Tilton's Leadership Helps Turn Around Failing Companies Case Study

Lynn Tilton's Leadership Helps Turn Around Failing Companies - Case Study Example When it comes to her biophysical traits, Tilton maintains high energy level. To illustrate, Tilton usually walks down the manufacturing line and interacts with factory workers to ensure that everything is going fine. Finally, Tilton possesses a set of better personality traits such as self-confidence and self-efficacy when she lacks traits like self-regulating and sociability. 2. While analyzing the given case study, it is obvious that different positive and negative leadership traits and styles are displayed by Tilton. One of the major positive leadership traits of Tilton is that she is fair in her dealings, and has no favoritism. In addition, Tilton has deep understanding of the manufacturing processes and job activities. To illustrate, the case study makes it clear that Tilton has gained a detailed knowledge of metal alloys and machine-tools when she worked with MD Helicopter plant (470). Open and effective communication is another positive leadership trait expressed by Tilton. The case writer tells that Tilton quickly mingled with factory workers with her earthy jokes. The case study reflects that honesty is also a positive leadership behavior of Tilton (470). However, it is identified that Tilton is selfish and close minded. Throughout the case scenario, the author reflects that Tilton’s operations and decisions are self-centered, and she is not open to suggestion. Tilton’s vindictive behavior can be highlighted as a negative leadership trait. For instance, Tilton harshly replied to Ford Motor Company’s purchasing chief Tony Brown when he criticized Tilton’s operational approach (469). Tough personality is another negative leadership trait of Tilton, and this issue leads to high employee churn at Patriarch, according to the case study. 3. Managers often follow situational approaches toward leadership to obtain better outcomes, because situational leadership theories state that use of

Friday, August 23, 2019

The case of Radmacher v Granatino Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

The case of Radmacher v Granatino - Essay Example Center of discussion in this paper is the case of Radmacher v Granatino that has drawn much attention because the High Court will be finally deciding how much weight it would place on the pre/ante-nuptial agreement in the area of financial relief during divorce. Pre-nuptial or ante-nuptial arrangement is typically sought by rich families, as in the case of Radmacher formerly Granatino v Granatino, to protect and preserve the assets of the wealthy party from a claim during divorce. The terms are typically spelled out on how their assets be divided or waiver of claim through a written agreement. Pre-nuptial or ante nuptial however is traditionally viewed by English law as non-binding because it is contrary to public policy. English Courts however have discretion to how to treat ante-nuptial agreements, on what weight should be placed on them and has the power to veer away from what was agreed on the ante-nuptial arrangement. This is especially so when there are children borne out of a long marriage. There are also other circumstances when the Courts could reinterpret or set aside the ante-nuptial agreement from its original arrangement in cases where there is an indication of duress on the weaker party to agree, may cause unfairness to one party, non full disclosure of assets, or where the parties involved was not able to get independent counsel on the various implications of the ante-nuptial arrangement before entering into the agreement.... The husband was a French national and the wife is a German national. The ante-nuptial agreement was signed three months before the marriage under German jurisdiction and specified that each party will keep their assets and that the other party will make no claim against the assets of the other in the event of a divorce. The wife had considerable wealth and inheritance before the marriage while the husband was a banker at the time the agreement was signed. The husband did not have an independent counsel about the implication of the ante-nuptial agreement. The agreement also contained no provision in the event that their marriage will have children. They were married in London in 1998. After eight years of marriage, the appellant and the respondent separated. Their marriage produced two daughters. During the dissolution of their marriage, the husband embarked on a research studies and had left his job as a banker and applied to the court for financial relief. The High Court then decide d to grant him over ?5.5m which would enable him to have an annual income of ?100,000 for life. He was allowed to have a home in England so that his children could visit him. The wife appealed to the Court of Appeals where it was decided in favour of her to give weight to the ante-nuptial agreement where the financial relief should only be limited on the provision of him being a father and not for his own need. The husband then appealed to the Supreme Court. Decision Traditionally, English Courts do not put considerable weight to agreements between individuals who were getting married or already married4 (post-nuptial agreement) that specifies the contingency or terms of their separation on the grounds that this may encourage them to separate5. Such,

Thursday, August 22, 2019

WEEK 1 QUIZ 1 Essay Example for Free

WEEK 1 QUIZ 1 Essay 1.Question : Liberalism rests in a conception of equality whereby the government Student Answer: must not choose one person’s good over another. must ensure that we all have the same possessions. must provide everybody with healthcare. must redistribute wealth in order to achieve fairness. Instructor Explanation: The answer can be found in the section â€Å"What Does Liberalism Mean in Practice?† Points Received: 1 of 1 Comments: Question 2.Question : American politics are rooted in Student Answer: the practice of negative liberty. redistributing wealth from the rich to the poor. competing interpretations of core American values. a need to avoid all conflict. Instructor Explanation: The answer can be found in the section â€Å"American Politics are Rooted in Core American Values.† Points Received: 1 of 1 Comments: Question 3.Question : Jefferson justified American separation from Britain in the Declaration of Independence based on Student Answer: the majority of Americans who voted for it. the lack of American freedom under British rule. the Lockean idea of the right of the people to overthrow a government that fails to fulfill its obligations. the overtaxation of Americans by the Crown. Instructor Explanation: The answer can be found in the section â€Å"Locke’s Influence on Jefferson.† Points Received: 0 of 1 Comments: Question 4.Question : Modern liberalism differs from classical liberalism because modern liberalism Student Answer: is associated with big government and large social programs. does not respect human agency as does classical liberalism. allows for arbitrary exercise of power and authority. does not respect property rights. Instructor Explanation:The answer can be found in the section â€Å"How Does Contemporary Liberalism Compare with Classical Liberalism?† Points Received: 1 of 1 Comments: Question 5.Question : Samuel P. Huntington defined â€Å"creedal passion periods† as periods when Americans Student Answer: demand redistribution. seek to find new values. return to first principles. demand smaller government. Instructor Explanation:The answer can be found in the section â€Å"The Importance of Constitutional Debates.† Points Received: 1 of 1 Comments: Question 6.Question : Colonists enjoyed rights under which documents following the Glorious Revolution of 1688? Student Answer: British Bill of Rights and Toleration Act Magna Carta and the Mayflower Compact Hobbes’s Leviathan and the Magna Carta John Locke’s Second Treatise of Government and the Toleration Act Instructor Explanation:  The answer can be found in the section â€Å"Colonial Assemblies.† Points Received: 1 of 1 Comments: Question 7.Question : Impeachment can be characterized as a Student Answer: sole responsibility of the Senate. shared function between the Senate and the Supreme Court. shared function between the House of Representative and the Senate. sole responsibility of the House of Representatives. Instructor Explanation:The answer can be found in the section â€Å"The Executive.† Points Received: 1 of 1 Comments: Question 8.Question : The Annapolis Convention was called to address Student Answer: the lack of authority to raise armies. the lack of authority to impose uniform commercial regulations among the states. the inability of the Continental Congress to pay revolutionary war veterans. the possibility of holding a convention in secret. Instructor Explanation: The answer can be found in the section â€Å"Annapolis Convention.† Points Received: 1 of 1 Comments: Question 9.Question : The Federalists argued that a Bill of Rights was not necessary because Student Answer: all basic protections were contained in the Constitution. the anti-Federalists were being irrational. it impedes the authority of the government. it would take too long to ratify. Instructor Explanation:The answer can be found in the section â€Å"Federalists Versus Anti-Federalists.† Points Received: 1 of 1 Comments: Question 10.Question : The purpose of the Constitutional Convention was to Student Answer: create a new form of government. revise the Articles of Confederation. annul the Articles of Confederation. create a strong central government. Instructor Explanation:The answer can be found in the section â€Å"The Constitutional Convention† Points Received: 1 of 1 Comments:

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Imc plan for water

Imc plan for water INDUSTRY PROFILE Bottled waterisdrinking waterpackaged inplasticbottle. The dominant form in which water is packaged is newPolyethylene terephthalatebottlesand sold retail. Another method of packaging is in largerhigh-density polyethyleneplastic bottles, or polycarbonate plastic bottles, often used withwater coolers. Since 2000, sales have increased by 60% and the industry is now worth in excess of  £2bn a year. Drinks consultants are predicting that global consumption of bottled water will soon overtake carbonated beverages and one analyst has taken to calling the sector ‘blue gold. Global sales The global bottled water market valuation grew by 7% in 2006 to reach a value of $60,938.1 million. The volume of bottled water grew by 8.1% in 2006 to 115,393.5 million liters. In 2011, the market is forecast to have a value of $86,421.2 million, an increase of 41.8% since 2006. In 2011, the market is forecast to have a volume of 174,286.6 million liters, an increase of 51% since 2006. The global rate of consumption more than doubled between 1997 and 2005.Purified water is currently the leading global seller, with U.S. companies dominating the field, and natural spring water, purified water and flavored water being the fastest-growing market segments Bottled water in the marketplace The Beverage Marketing Corporation defines the bottled water market segment as â€Å"retail PET, retail bulk, home and office delivery, vending, domestic sparkling and imports† but excluding â€Å"flavored and enhanced water.† Bottled water vs. carbonated beverages Bottled water competes in the marketplace with carbonated beverages sold in individual plastic bottles,and is often considered a healthier substitute. According to the Donkey Recycling Institute, sales of flavored, noncarbonated drinks are expected to surpass soda sales by 2010.In response, Coca-Cola and PepsiCo have introduced new carbonated drinks that are fortified with vitamins and minerals, Diet Coke Plus and Tava, marketed as â€Å"sparkling beverages.† Bottled water vs. tap water An officewater coolerwith a reusable 5-gallon bottle In india, bottled water costs between Rs 10 to Rs15 per bottle while tap water costs less negligible..In 1999, according to a NRDC study, U.S. consumers paid between 240 and 10,000 times more per unit volume for bottled water than for tap water. According to, about 90% of manufacturers costs is from making the bottle, label, and cap. TheShowtimeseriesPenn Teller: Bullshit!demonstrated, in a 2007 episode, that in a controlled setting, diners could not discern between bottled water and water from a garden hose behind the restaurant. The United Church of Christ, United Church of Canada, National Council of Churches, National Coalition of American Nuns and Presbyterians for Restoring Creation are among some of the religious organizations that have raised questions about whether or not the â€Å"privatization† of water is ethical. They regard the industrial purchase and repackaging at a much higher resale price of a basic resource as an unethical trend. InFinland, the newspaperHelsingin Sanomatonce ran ablind tastingtest containing various brands of bottled water, both Finnish and international, and regular tap water from Helsinki. The majority of the tasters preferred the tap water. Bottled water service It is common for business or individuals person to subscribe to a bottled water service. Instead of selling drinking water in small individual-use bottles, the service supplies it in large, reusable (in the USA, typically 5 US gallons) containers. The containers are installed on a dispenser (or â€Å"cooler†) which chills or heats the water and generally has valves on the front for dispensing. This practice stop the issue of disposing of packaging for individual serves while still providing the same product. Purified water vending machines Without bottles drinking water of brand companies. A number of companies worldwide, among which are a number of North American supermarket chains, havevending machinesthat dispense purified water into customers own containers. This again obviates the costs and environmental issues involved in manufacturing, transporting, and disposing of plastic bottles. Executive Summary Although common objective of all IMC program is increase brand awareness, sale and design a unique image of the product in customers mind. To communicate among public and customers, we will advertise our product campaign on TV, magazine, online. Through the advertisement we want to design the brand image of our product into the customer mind. Besides advertisement, we will also carry out promotional activity such as public relation, direct marketing etc. Various water company also organizes various events in order to communicate properly with customers. The Main purpose of this event was to increase the sale of water. Before designing IMC program the Company carried out market research in order to judge customers behaviors toward their mineral water packaged using. So that appropriate primary data can be collected for designing IMC strategy for â€Å"The boond hub†. Before designing integrated marketing communication program it is necessary to judge consumers behavior toward t he product. It is necessary to known customers liking and disliking, these data provide various support during designing of IMC program. Although there are various media available for communicating but Printads news paper and banner is seen most effective medium in the case of mineral water planning strategy. After Research survey done by various mineral water company, it has been founded that female respondents were more brand conscious than male. There is no particular brand trend in among male, but females are more conscious towards their healths. â€Å"dirty water and fast food culture† are the major attributes considered by customer while buying water.Our water Company Boond which makes flavored mineral water has come up with a new IMC plan for the new flavored mineral water product for the new region. South India and metro where the target market in the segment delhi, Mumbai, Chennai, rest of south. In this report, we will further introduce ourselves and how we got star ted, internal and external situational analysis of our company, and why a new IMC plan is needed. Bisleri is a strong competitor in the water industry and it is focusing on increasing the brand equity and profitability of companies focused on increasing their share in the packaged water market. Our mission is to make sure that our clients have the tools and information that they need to become successful in the footwear market. We have looked at the strengths and weaknesses of the Bisleri Company as well as the opportunities and threats and have included them in this IMC plan. HUNKY Company will use all IMC tools which will be best suited for flowing the message among the targeted people. We feel that Bisleri would profit from making an innovative and customer oriented product that will use by mostly all level of people. Company profile Product name-Boond tm Tag line -â€Å"har boond mein biswas†. MISSION Build branded packaged water business to improve health of life by offering tasty, Affordable and highly mineral rich water to our consumer. While maximizing Stakeholders value. Vision:- To become leading brand in packaged water industry after 10 years from today. Situation analysis:- From being confined to the uppermost echelons of society, packaged water has now become a commonplace commodity and almost a necessity in metros. After witnessing historic growth in recent years, it has become a Rs 3,000-crore industry, one that is slated to only post healthy growth rates to become a Rs 10,000-crore business in just three years, says Mr Sushil Kumar, Marketing Director of Shivsu Canadian Clear Waters Technology Pvt Ltd, a company that has executed more than 3,000 packaged water projects worldwide and over 2,000 in India. Speaking toBusiness Lineon the water industry and the road ahead, he said that the industrys phenomenal growth in recent years can be attributed to rising incidence of water-borne diseases, improper municipal supplies, evol ved health consciousness of people as well as globalisation, which has brought in tremendous tourist inflow. â€Å"The bulk water industry, or water in 12-, 20- and 25-litre packages, has also witnessed a parallel growth of Rs 700-1,000 crore,† he informed. â€Å"Basically, the market can be divided into two segments the retail consumer market where the pack sizes are 500 ml, one litre, 1.2/1.5/2-litre and five-litre, and the household and institutional market, where the pack size is usually are 20- or 25-litre.† He added: â€Å"The total Indian market for small segments, such as 0.5-2 litre stands at 12-15 million cases a year. Bulk water sale of 25-litre bubbletops stands at 16.8 million bottles a month.† Though the industry growth rate is 40-50 per cent a year, India is still behind countries such as Indonesia, Malaysia and Singapore, where the industry is already worth Rs 15,000-20,000 crore. â€Å"These countries have much smaller population but similar climatic conditions.† Government data also attributed the growth to the entry of large liquor companies such as the UB Group, which has set up more than 29 plants all over the country for rolling out the Kingfisher brand of packaged water, and around 20 plants for McDowell No 1 brand. Similarly, SAB Miller has come out with Royal Challenge and Haywards 5,000 brands of packaged water, for which purpose it has set up more than 40 plants all over India. The company has also introduced a new concept of sparkling water, â€Å"which is low-carbonated water for a niche market, basically foreigners.† Mr Kumar said that though the Indian market currently has more than 2,000 players, the main brands controlling the market are Pepsis Aquafina, Cokes Kinley, Kingfisher, SAB Millers Royal Challenge, Parle Agros Bisleri, besides local players such as Sabol. He also informed that with better knowledge of packaged drinking water, brands such as Evian of France, Himalayan of North India and Blu Mont from the South are trying to create a niche in the premium water segment of â€Å"mountain spring water,† which comes under the natural mineral water specifications of BIS. â€Å"These products are mainly sold in ‘A class outlets such as five-star hotels, resorts, lifestyle stores, high-end beauty parlours and elite clubs. The industry has also paved the way for new product segments such as flavoured, vitaminised and herbal waters.† With the entry of big players such as the Tatas (who recently bought stake in Mount Everest brand of packaged drinking water), the water industry is poised for a phenomenal surge, â€Å"What we see is just the tip of the iceberg.† SWOT Analysis SWOT analysis will help me to identify our company strength, weaknesses, opportunity and threats internally and externally both. Through this, we can easily identified our competitors in the market and once we know the company weakness and what kind of oppournity we have for the present and future prospect then we can easily make cost effective IMC plan and strategic IMC plan for the company. In SWOT analysis of the company, we have find the following that will help to make more strategical and cost effective IMC plan: STRENGTHS: Easy availability of low cost for all level of people. Massive institutional support for technical services, designing, manpower development and marketing. Exporter-friendly government policies for shoes industry. Well-established linkages with buyers in all parts of India. WEAKNESSES: Lack of modern finishing facilities for packing. Difficulties in accessing to testing, designing and technical services. Environmental problems. Non availability of quality components in the market. Lack of fresh investment in the sector. Uneconomical size of manufacturing units. OPPORTUNITIES: The Indian packaged water market is expected to grow at a CAGR of over 10% for the period spanning from 2008 to 2011. Presently, the Indian packaged water market is dominated by health conscious person that accounts for nearly 70% of the total Indian packaged water market. Abundant scope to supply packaged water to companies setting up branch in India. Growing health consciousness globally. Use of information technology and decision support software to help eliminate the length of the production cycle for different products Product diversification There is lot of scope for diversification into other flavour water etc. Growing international and domestic markets. Retain customers through quality supplies and timely deliveries Aim to present the customer with new designs, infrastructure, and country company profiles. Use of modern technology THREATS: Entry of multinationals in domestic market. Stiff competition from other company. Non- tariff barriers Developing countries are resorting to more and more non tariff barriers indirectly. Fast changing fashion trends are difficult to adapt for every time for our company. Competitive analysis The major competitors in packaged water in Indian context of the Boond Company are bisleri, kingfisher, pepsi, aquiafina, kinley, railneel, and oxygen. They are the giant brand in the packaged water segment and they are the well established brand. So to take a challenge in this segment from these all we will create our company brand value in the market through strong positioning message and with differentiate a unique sell property that is water for all level of people and this core value of the BOOND Company will be shown throughout in IMC plan. Pricing factor will be also a major factor to differentiate to all competitors from our company BOOND. Apart from this some local seller of packaged water in todays scenario giving more competition because they are not branded packaged water and they are providing low price packaged water. So, to face giant challenges from all we are creating our core value of the company that is the packaged water for all level of people that most of the ma jor competitors do not have. They mostly targeted the younger generation but BOOND Company will target all level of people in the health concious segment with affordable price. Marketing Mix Strategies:- Product:-The Main aim of the BOOND Company is to produce high quality packaged water in various flavour for all level of people. It is only possible to capture the attention of the target market. The name of our product is boond. The company is providing 2 years free health tips for the customer. Price: The price range of the product range will be from Rs. 12 to 50. The price will be depended upon the flavour and quantity of the product. The company will also provide discount offer and allowance for the channel members. Place: Thedistributionchannels for Boond Company are as follows:- MANUFACTURER (COMPANY) WHOLESELLER PACKAGED TO RETAILER CUSTOMER Promotion:-In a promotion part of the product we are going to launch IMC plan for the target market. Evaluate Performance The Goal of our marketing plan is to achieve market objective that are established before implementation of marketing plan. We evaluate and control our strategic tactics by comparing our result with standard established before setting of plan, by measuring customer satisfaction and brand loyalty. If result is less than our standard than it means there is any default in implementation and monitoring in the program. The people who are responsible for the monitoring and control of the marketing plan will be the Marketing Executives, Sales Managers, Media Managers, Market Research Departments, and the Production Managers.Some activities will be carried out for evaluating the overall performance that will be precisely and closely evaluating the effectiveness of the strategies and tactics for example the gathering and structuring of data regarding market, product, consumers and the pricing trends, then the generation of daily sales report should be maintained and then in the end continuous reconfirming of the marketing budget and activities by the managers of different divisions. IMC objective and strategy Integrated Marketing Communications is a term used to describe a holistic approach to marketing communication. It aims to ensure consistency of message and the complementary use of media. The concept includes online and offline marketing channels. Online marketing channels include any e-marketing campaigns or programs, pay-per-click, affiliate, email, banner to latest web related channels for webinar, blog, micro-blogging, RSS, pod cast, and Internet TV. Offline marketing channels are traditional print (newspaper, magazine), mail order, public relations, industry relations, billboard, radio, and television. Boond Company is developing its integrated marketing communication programmes using all the elements of the marketing mix (product, price, place, and promotion So Integrated marketing communication is integration of all marketing tools, approaches, and resources within a company which maximizes impact on consumer mind and which results into maximum profit at minimum cost. Promotio nal activities include Advertising, sales promotion, and personal selling activities. It also includes internet marketing, sponsorship marketing, direct marketing, database marketing and public relations and integration of all these promotional tools along with other components of marketing mix to gain edge over competitor is called Integrated Marketing Communication. Communication objective:- The main objective of my communication is that people recognise my product as brand. They prefer my product as mineral water. Health conscious person prefer my brand. They feel that proper hygiene is maintained at all the places from where it pass while manufacturing or storing. They think that this company also care for nature. Increase market share up to 20%. Increase sale by 50% in 6 month from thelaunch of public campaign. Create awareness among target audience. Use excessive advertising especially using media preferred by the target market. Create product belonging and position among buyers mind Communication budget:- Total budget is 5 crore. TV advertisement:- (fund allotment 2 crore) Paper advertisement :- (Fund allotted 50 lakhs) Radio advertisement:- (fund allotted-10 lakh) Magazine advertisement:- (fund allotted-10 lakh) Bluetooth advertisement:- (fund allotted-20 lakh) Banners advertisement:- (fund allotted- 30 lakh) Hoardings advertisement:- (fund allotted-90 lakh) Direct selling:- (fund allotted- 1lakh) Door delivery:- fund allotment- 19 lakh) For promotion in event:- (fund allotment-10 lakh) Internet marketing:- (fund allotment-10 lakh) Retailer :- (Fund allotted-30 lakh) Customer sale promotion (Fund allotted-10 lakh) Trade sale promotion (fund allotted-10 lakh) IMC plan TV advertisement:-(fund allotment 2 crore) I will spend around 2 crore on tele-vision advertisement because it reaches to large population. In today scenario TV play very important role in making brand image. I will mainly focus tourist or health oriented channels, try to bring my advertisement those time when there is program related health or tourist place is coming so that I can reach to maximum number of target customers. Because when we go for health we never compromise and same with when we are in tour out of many brands we choose only those brand from which we are familiar or seen their ad in tv. So If we see per person expenditure then it will be less. Paper advertisement :-(fund allotment 50 lakhs) I will spend around 50 lakhs on paper advertisement because it again reaches to large population. I will prefer my advertisement in local as well as national newspaper also. Because my maximum number of customers who are health conscious or who travels frequently prefer national paper and maximum in English language. So my first choice will be that only. Radio advertisement:- (fund allotted-10 lakh) Today again radio trend is coming back due to improved quality of service because of entering of private players. And also today maximum mobile users buy mobile with inbuilt FM radio service. This service is mostly used by youngsters and mid age person, who are my potential customers. So advertisement on radio will also be in priority list. Magazine advertisement:- (fund allotted-10 lakh) Nowadays magazine has reached to mass population. Now magazines are coming according to person interest. For example person who are interested in sports for them sports magazine comes like â€Å"auto†, for business interest business today, business economy, 4p. I will prefer health magazines, tour oriented magazines, sports magazine. Bluetooth advertisement:- (fund allotted-20 lakh) I will also prefer Bluetooth marketing because it reaches only to interested customers so the chance of effectiveness is much more than any other media. Only disadvantage is that it can be done where Bluetooth server is established but this also benefit us because its effectiveness increase. In this customer get all the benefit in the form of video or picture so the effectiveness also increases. Banners advertisement:- (fund allotted- 30 lakh) I will also do banners advertisement because it influence consumer at the time of purchase. When customers go to buy product by seeing advertisement of my brand he will think that this is brand he will prefer, which is normal in our daily life. Hoardings advertisement:- (fund allotment-90 lakh) I will also go for hoardings near market, parks, tourist place, bus stand, railway station all the places where my potential customers go so that consumer recall my brand name all the times. And think that it is good brand. Direct selling:- (fund allotment- 1lakh) I will also prefer direct selling through vendors in trains and bus. Because that is place where consumer need this product most and he will buy it. Also this is place where all the local brand take advantage of it and consumer buy it without will. If I am able to capture this it may be proved very beneficial. Only the commission to the vendor should be kept very high. Door delivery:- fund allotment- 19 lakh) When consumer will buy the product for daily use he will prefer to get the product at home. Also it will be inconvenience to customer the pack of 20 liter with him. So the best option is to deliver the product when he need or call you. This type of practise is already done by many competitors in metro city. For promotion in event:- (fund allotment-20 lakh) I will also prefer promotion of any event which is related to health or tourist. So that I can reached to my maximum customers and they recall me as good brand. Internet marketing:- (fund allotment-10 lakh) I will also do my advertisement on net because today maximum elite customers, business travellers, students and even tourist (tourist take all the information from internet) they all use the internet frequently. So it will very easy to reach them and get their feedback easily. Discount store:- (fund allotment-30 lakh) Today the discount store play very important role in selling this type of product so I will also go for discount store to sell my brand product. Discount stores like easy day, reliance fresh, vishal mart, big bazaar, bargin bazaar all they sell this type product. So I have to give them some special offer so that they prefer my brand. Consumer sale promotion tool:- We will apply following promotional tools increase sale. Price deal: -Price deal is temporary reduction in price of product. We will provide two type of price deal: cents-off deals and price-pack deals. Price deal will be is given at various times to stimulate purchase of Shoes. Coupon: A coupon is typically a printed certificate giving the bearer a stated price reduction or special value on a specific product, generally for a specific period. In this we will provide various kinds of coupon that contain various discount price So that customer get the advantage of this discount and purchase flavour packaged water at low price. Offer: In this we offer that those Customers who buy flavour water will receive a free plain packaged water of 500ml. The offer will be depending upon season to season. The campaign will be marketed with print and TV ads, and will feature TV commercials with musicians singing covers of their favorite song. The company will be offering those collected covers in a CD at retail locations for customers who make a more than 10 flavour packaged water. Premium:We will provide offer of some gift or at bargain price to encourage customer buying. Advertising Specialties: -Advertising specialties also call a promotional product. It will be mostly given to our loyal customers. It includes various cards like birthday card, New Year card. It will be done mostly done to retain old customer. Trade sale promotion tool:- Objectives of Trade Sales Promotion of the Boond packaged water company will be:- Gain/maintain distribution Influence resellers to promote product Influence resellers to offer price discount Increase reseller inventory Defend against competitors Avoid reduction of normal prices There are various sale promotion tools which apply by the Boond packaged warter that stimulate trade to promote company product. Trade Allowances:- In this we will provide short-term special allowances, discounts, or deals granted to resellers to stimulate reseller to rapid purchase of their product. Point-of-Purchase Display:- In this we are generally used at the retail level to call customer attention to a featured product. In this company employees observe every retail shop and that display more company product will be winner of special gift or prize. Implementation Tactics Launch a blind ad campaign on billboards and magazines in all A class areas of major cities and magazine with respect to target market. Heavy advertising on TV, newspapers and magazines Set displays of malls and retail in showrooms and major dealer outlets in all cities. Continue Advertising. Evaluation of IMC planning process Evaluation of IMC planning of Boond packaged water is necessary because:- The cost of advertising and communication spiraling day by day so it is necessary to find out if the investment in IMC plan of the Boond packaged water is generating any return or just going down the drain. As a IMC planner we can easily evaluate various communication alternatives such as alternative message, IMC tools, media and vehicle and choose the most effective ones. It will provide complete feedback regarding the performance of various strategic alternatives and provide a basis for future planning. Evaluation will increase the effectiveness of marketing communication by eliminating unproductive alternatives and adding productive alternatives. Evaluation will provide me the complete figure regarding our total IMC budget expense that the budget is expense in the right way or not. It helps to judge the behavioral result of the target market. It will help to judge the communication oriented result of the target market. It will help to allocate as a guider about the new target market for further new implementation of IMC plan   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Finally at last we will add few words with it that this IMC plan for boond water company is for the financial year 2009-10 is prepared by me by taking the new existing company of my own and not copied from any other sources. Prepared by (randhir pratap). Thank you all for co-operation in presenting my IMC plan in front of my respected mam Ms. Malika thakral and makes the session successful. Bibliography:-

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Experinces of Working in an International Team

Experinces of Working in an International Team This paper tries to bring out the personal views of the author in terms of his experience of working with an international group. Being an Indian and coming down to UK to study, it is a different experience in itself. But the level of interactions with people across borders and cultures has given the author a chance to explore and understand people with diverse backgrounds. Doing a post graduate program here in UK not only gives the author access to the best education but also immense opportunity to network with people across nations. It is a different experience indeed. With time and increase in interaction, there is change in perception and a complete washout of the pre conceived notions regarding cultures and people. And surprisingly, not only people behave and act in different manners across the geography, they also think very differently. This paper tries to look at the benefits of such diverse thinking. With all the benefits also come some problems and hindrances. As mentioned above, preconceived notions regarding cultures and people is a big issue addressed in the paper. The paper also looks at the argument as to how much diversified can the group be, and the possibilities of not been able to reach consensus easily while working in a group and also handling conflicts and differences in opinions. The paper also looks at the possibilities of discrimination on the basis of race, gender and culture. The author also tries to give some suggestions to overcome these problems. He talks how these problems can be overcome and how the cultural mix and diversity can actually act as a advantage. The structure of the paper involves the introduction about the topic and then detailed insights and some experiences. Then about the advantages and disadvantages of working in such groups. The author then tries to bring in the concept of cultural intelligence and how it could solve issues related to problems arising among co workers of diverse backgrounds. So the reports concludes with some suggestive ideas. Introduction With the advent of globalization and vanishing of boundaries between the countries, it is very common to see people from various geographies, cultures coming down and working or studying. It is a common scenario even at a work place or a college where we can spot people from various countries interacting with each other, doing businesses, studying or being part of each others life in a big way. Before going ahead and describing about my experiences lets try defining cultural and its importance at workplace. Culture could be defined anything related to art, culture, lifestyle, music, etc relating to a particular community or a group of people living together or having and following the same set of beliefs. Now looking at the importance of culture in the workplace, it plays a very vital role. Cultural defines the values, the beliefs of the individuals or a community, even their day to day behavior is influenced by it. So it has a direct impact on their working style and relationships with people at workplace, their behavior at workplace, etc. Now when we talk about this, we should also consider the organization culture and its impact on the individual. Of course, the organization or the institution plays a significant role in shaping the behavior and the culture of the individual at work place, now how does he fit into this is important. Generally people opt for such organiza tions or institutions where they fit in on or where similar values and culture exists. Now let us look how things are today with the advent of organizations which consists of diverse teams. But before that let me share some of my experiences One thing I was really looking to when I decided to come to UK was to meet and interact with various people. But at the same time I was very nervous. I had all sorts of doubts in my mind also. Would I be accepted? Would I fit into the culture? Being lived in India throughout my life and not interacting with anyone from outside India, I had all notions in my head. Even I had apprehensions regarding the lifestyles and the behavior of the people. But after I landed in UK my perception changed a lot. I was not the only guy who had left his country and had come down here. There were thousands like me. And even the people were very receptive. Though I mingled with my community and country folks in the beginning, it was only after I came into college and started working and meeting other students I realized that it was not bad actually. All my perceptions and fears were a complete false. My first interaction was indeed during one of those assignments. My group had perceived me as a geek and someone who would be good at mathematics so would have by birth analytical skills being an Indian. But I really had to tell them that though we have quite a good number of the population who was good at these things back home, but I was a terrible lot at mathematics. This was when we all realized how we had pre-conceived notions about people based upon their cultural and geographical backgrounds. Like I thought, Pakistanis were a closed lot who would be tough to interact but they were as a matter of fact just like me. Of course, people always find comfort in people with similar interests or similar community and background. Like for example, I was only with my Indian friends for almost a month after I came to UK. I was just too shy and scared to interact or make friends with any one else. And I had so many Indians that I didnt find the need to also. But soon I realized that by doing so I am stopping myself from expanding my horizons in knowledge also. I got to know about a lot of things through my series of interactions with various people. Benefits of Cross-Culture Teams With the team being more and more diverse, the thinking will be different and it will result in really different perspectives and ideas flowing in. The team would not just reach consensus but really think of many solutions or different answers. This would encourage creativity and innovativeness. It makes the group brainstorm effective. Mutual benefits The whole team being diverse would fulfill the short comings of each other to some extent. And also it is a learning experience. Getting to know about other cultures, languages, and people is always interesting. Enhancement of interpersonal skills. Working with such a team, broadens your thinking and you come across new avenues and perspectives. Makes you more adaptable to any environment and people. Continuous improvement groups with such diversity always questions, thus making it more and more challenging and striving to get the best out of the group. Sometimes people in homogenous groups do not participate much thinking everyone thinks the same. But in such cases comparatively the participation levels of the group is high. Because everyone bring in a different thinking and perspective before the group. If I have to talk about my experiences, well I must say I have gained immensely. At first I used to be silent and non-participative. But now I feel I can pour in very important points because I think very differently from the rest of the group, so I bring in a different set of thinking. This actually benefits our discussions. I have really developed great interpersonal skills also. Now I feel free to talk to anyone and from anywhere. I am not shy or scared anymore. Even being in a diverse group, we use each of our individual strengths and combine them to form the strengths of the group. For example, one of my team members is good at identifying and collecting the data, I am good at analyzing it, some one else is good at presenting it and the other at identifying errors. So all these strengths are combined together so that we finally present the masterpiece. Problems faced with cross-culture teams Language: This is one of the major issues. Though English has emerged as the common International language but there is a lot of difference in British English and American and of course Indian. Even the pronunciation and the spoken language differ a lot. This can sometimes cause miscommunication. Language barriers can also lead to non-participation or inability to express ideas freely. Apart from verbal and written communication, a major part of communication happens through Non-verbal communication. Now across various cultures we have different communication styles and also different meanings to certain things. Now it is extremely important to better know before we communicate anything as others might get offended if we do not understand properly. Cultural clashes Sometimes, there can be a total clash in the cultures and their beliefs. Such things should be handled properly and not just ignored. Time this is a very important factor while working in groups. The attitude of the team members towards time is very important. Sometimes few of them group members emphasize on time a lot but others do not consider it that important or neglect it because of their old beliefs and practices. This could lead to a conflict of interest. Pre-conceptions and stereotypes: People have a lot of preconceived notions in their minds regarding people from some cultures and places. Now that could be totally wrong. The person might be totally different. So it is not good to judge anyone just because they belong to a culture or a location. Difference in execution of work. False Consensus effect: Sometimes people think that others also think exactly like them or they feel that everyone would have the same set of beliefs. Ways to overcome difficulties faced when working in an international team Effective communication: This is one of the most important aspects. The members should check if their points are properly understood. And check for any miscommunication. Adhere to certain rules, which can be framed accordingly, so that everyone sticks to it. For example, we talked about the importance of time. Now its better if the group decided that time has a lot of importance and no one is late for the meetings, etc. Having a global mindset always helps rather than carrying those old beliefs to the group. Every member of the group should workout on their strengths and weakness so that we can work out of the overall strengths and weakness. Avoiding preconceptions and stereotypes The whole energy of diversity is good if used positively and for the betterment of the group. But we have to be careful and avoid any negativity or conflicts. Now let me come to my personal experiences. I have already mentioned about the benefits I had got working with such a group. But I too faced many problems. Like for example, in the beginning I was not so good at understanding the language. Though I had learnt English throughout my education in India, but sometimes the level of vocabulary and the pronunciation was very difficult to grasp in the beginning and I used to sound funny with my Indian accent. Those were my tough times when I sometimes kept shut so that I dont embarrass myself or even I didnt understood anything I would not repeat it. But then of course during the course of time, things settle down. There was a similar experience with time. Being a lazy Indian, I was not used to the punctuality in my school or college. Back home it was a sort of a relaxed environment. But here every second counts, hence I had to really change myself to adapt to the current values and beliefs of the group. One of the effective ways of overcoming such problems is by increasing the Cultural Intelligence of the team members. Now what is this Cultural Intelligence? It is trying to understand others behavior and trying to understand his values and beliefs so that to interact with him in a way he is comfortable. People can be classified into 6 categories of Cultural Intelligence : The Provincial: Such person is effective only when working with people from a similar culture and background of his own. Lacks the ability to work with others. The Analyst: He is the person, who would analyze the culture of his fellow mate and try to get the strengths and frame strategies accordingly. The Natural: Relies entirely on intuition and is not interested in analyzing or learning new beliefs and about new cultures. The Ambassador: He is nice and friendly. Though he is not aware much about the people or individuals from other cultures and backgrounds, but he is confident he can handle them. The Mimic: He gels in very well and has tremendous confidence and he knows he will fit into the role. The Chameleon: Changes his colors accordingly. He is sometimes even confused about his origin. He fits into very perfectly. Now the work would be classifying all the members into the above category and work out how to handle them. Conclusion We have seen through this paper and through the insights and experiences of the author about the cross-culture teams and their benefits and challenges. But these days, with the advent of globalization such teams are unavoidable. Hence, we should work to overcome the challenges and use the strengths of the individuals to build up the strengths of the team. It is important to really understand individuals and their cultures and work accordingly so that there is no miscommunication or conflict.

Monday, August 19, 2019

Flattery Holds The Key :: essays research papers

It's a Saturday night and you want to go out for the evening. To do this you need the car, what do you do? Flattery is the way to go: " Mom, did you lose weight? You look amazing! Is that a new hair color? New outfit? " Your mom is so flattered that when you ask for the car she doesn't need to think twice before she hands you the keys. From that point on, you know that whenever you want something all you have to do is put on the charm, flash that big smile and tell a few white lies. After this your wish is their command. Why is this? Well, as you can see flattery will get you everywhere. Even Shakespeare knew the powers of flattery. He portrays in flattery in the play King Lear by the characters Regan and Goneril. It is clear that flattery makes every goal attainable whether it be wealth, power and even the most sacred emotion love. It is unimaginable that a father would divide his wealth among his children according to their skills in flattery. All parents are supposed to love their children at an equal level, no matter how much their child flatters them. Which parent would think to ask their children to outdo each other in a battle of words to win their money and material goods. This is the case in Shakespeare's King Lear. Even in the first scene Lear is asking his daughters which one of them loves him more. " Which of you shall we say doth love us most? That we our largest bounty may extend" (I,i, 52-53). With this demand of knowing who loves him more, Lear offers a reward, all his land. This reward is key to the show of emotion each daughter displays to please her father. His two older daughters jump at the opportunity to compliment and flatter their father, but their words are empty promises and lies. These two daughter are only kind to Lear when he has money: The wise fool tells Lear that only wh en there is a reward will he be treated kindly by his children. "Fathers that wear rags/ Do make their children blind;/ But fathers that bear bags/ Shall see their children kind" (II,iv,48-51). Regan and Goneril feed their father pretty words on a silver platter and Lear swallows every lie.

Societies Case for Censorship. :: essays research papers

Pornography and obscenity is all we see and hear about today in the news, with no exception to most movies and even TV. As of 12 years old this issue strikes a bigger interest than in the past. When I flip through the channels and see the news or watch a TV show there is something always on that a younger child should not be watching or learning about unless they are older. When the world censorship is thrown around it is a very controversial issue with the rights of the people and the way the company’s want to present their product.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  When Irving Kristol wrote his article â€Å"Pornography, obscenity and the case for Censorship† he was putting down his views and his opinions the topic of censorship and all the other obscenities in the world. Kristol is proposing a very conservative and clean way to view American literature with all its freedoms to publish what ever is wanted. When reading his article it brings up many different points such as her main point of; â€Å"for the plain fact is that we all believe that there is a point at which the public authorities ought to step in to limit the ‘self-expression’ of an individual or a group†(604), this is exactly the way I feel on the topic.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  When reading this article you have to look at the central claim that the author is making and agree with him or disagree. when going through this reading there where areas of its claims that have you thinking about our society and culture as a whole, that we are a species that loves its different types of uncensored media as well as its pornography and violence in their sports and everyday lives, â€Å"no society can be utterly different to the ways that its citizens publicly entertain themselves. Bearbaiting and cockfighting are prohibited only in part out of compassion for the animals; the main reason is that such spectacles were felt to debase and brutalize the citizenry who flocked to witness them† (604).   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   When Kristol speaks about his ideas of censorship; his claim that one day, not now but someday soon that the government is going to have to take this issue of censorship within a society and place in their hands. In essence Kristol is saying that this issue of censorship is not being carried out forcefully enough and it is hurting our society in the long run.

Sunday, August 18, 2019

North Korea and the Nuclear Crisis: The Awkward US-DPRK-ROK Relations E

The recent turn of events in North Korea with its alleged admission to possessing nuclear weapon has created nervous tension in the Far East region. Specifically, North Korea has recently transformed the existing bilateral U.S.-ROK alliance into an awkward triangular ROK-U.S.-DPRK dynamic, significantly complicating the previous bilateral relationships amongst the three as well as making these relationships more difficult to manage. We will trace the development of these relations, to gain a better insight into this long standing conflict and to assess better the future implications surrounding these tensions. Background History of Korea At the turn of the century, Korea was annexed by the neighboring Japan, ending the rule of Korean dynasty and independence. Korea was under Japanese control for 35 years from 1910-1945 and the colonial rule was highly repressive and exploitative. Freedom of speech and press was non-existent, human rights were completely disregarded, farm lands were confiscated under various pretexts, economic and educational opportunities were extremely limited, and Korean workers and peasants alike were exploited under the repressive rule of the Japanese. Japanese surrendered to the Allies on August 15 1945, and the Cairo Declaration of December 1943 issued by the British and US leaders stated that "in due course Korea shall become free and independent". The USSR accepted the Cairo agreement, but proposals made by the USA in 1945 led to the division of Korea into two military zones: the area south of the 38th parallel line under US occupation and the northern area under the Soviet control. In 1948, after some quarrels over the type of state to be established in the Korean Peninsula, the two ... Bibliography Cordesman, Anthony H. â€Å"Is There a Crisis in US and North Korean Relations?† 30 December 2002. Feffer, John. â€Å"Bush Policy Undermines Progress on Korean Peninsula.† Public Policy in Focus. March 2002. Oh, Kongdan. â€Å"Terroism Eclipses the Sunshine Policy: Inter-Korean Relations and the United States.† Asia Society, 2002. Robertson, Jeffrey. â€Å"New Dynamics in U.S.-Korean Relations.† Global Affairs Commentary. 7 January 2003. Robertson, Jeffrey. â€Å"The Anti-American Blowback from Bush’s Korea Policy.† Global Affairs Commentary. January 2003. Shorrock, Tim. â€Å"Roh’s Election Victory and the Widening Gap Between the U.S. and South Korea.† Global Affairs Commentary. 7 January 2003. The Europa world year book. London, England: Europa Publications Limited, 1989. 30th ed.

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Aristotle introduced the three classical modes

This paper focuses on several key concepts presented in Aristotle’s works. The rationale behind such a choice is associated with the fact that Aristotle’s works are widely believed to be among the most important texts from the history of rhetoric (Herrick, 2004).Another reason for an in-depth focus on Aristotelian rhetoric is that many theories he developed are still widely used for effectively advancing arguments in the public discourse.Aristotle introduced the three classical modes of persuasion — Ethos (appeal to authority), Pathos (appeal to emotion), and Logos (appeal to logic). As concerns Ethos, audience tends to believe speakers that elicit respect and demonstrate their credibility. Personal qualities that render speakers such credibility encompass a sense of wisdom (phronesis), goodwill (eunoia), and strong moral character (arete).Pathos, for its part, implies that a speaker possesses the ability to arouse strong feeling and emotional reactions in his or her listeners. While Aristotle acknowledges the importance of the aforementioned modes of persuasion, he strongly deems that Logos is the most important and effective.Logical reasoning is occurring in two main forms: induction and deduction. Inductive reasoning entails arriving at a certain conclusion on the basis of specific examples. Deduction implies ascribing certain qualities to objects or phenomena on the basis of a general rule.Aristotle also investigates the concepts of syllogism and enthymeme. A syllogism, which is essentially a form of deductive reasoning, is defines as ‘a discourse in which, certain things having been supposed, something different from the things supposed results of necessity because these things are so’ (Aristotle, 1989, p.2).A syllogism consists of three elements, namely the major premise, the minor premise, and the conclusion. Each premise has to have one term that conclusion also contains; it is referred to as the middle term.The major t erm (a part of the major premise) is referred to as the predicate of the conclusion, and the minor term (a part of the minor premise) is referred to as the subject of the conclusion. An example of a syllogism presented by Aristotle is as follows: since all humans are mortal (major premise), and Socrates is human (minor premise), it is possible to infer that Socrates is mortal (conclusion).

Friday, August 16, 2019

What Is It About Theories in the Human Sciences and Natural Sciences That Makes Them Convincing

When I was very young, my science teacher taught me Charles Darwin’s evolution theory, and I never doubted that theory since Darwin is a well-known scientist and the authority in the field of biology. Until one day, I became a Christian; I need to accept another theory which is that human beings are created by God. My knowledge had a crash. I have never seen neither earlier species develop to human beings nor God creates human beings by using mud. That is when I started to question the knowledge that I have acquired from all the areas of knowledge. Why I am convinced by the theories?What do I or should I really believe? When I was first introduced to Newton’s third law of motions which is the mutual force of action and reaction between two bodies are equal, opposite and collinear; I doubted it for a very long time. Since every time when I play roller skate and hit to a wall, I am the one who falls and got hurt, then how can I believe the wall got the same mutual force f rom me as well? However, one day, my teacher brought two same sized basketballs to the class. He put both of them on the floor and called two students to push the balls.When the basketballs collided with each other; both of them started to move backward. That is how my teacher proved Newton’s third law of motion and that’s when I started to believe. My sight as one of the sense perception witnessed someone prove the law and based on the past experiences, my sense perception rarely lies to me ergo I accepted something that I did not believe in natural science because of my faith in the sense perception. Also, as an IB natural science student, I knew that there is a very strict systematic methodology (observation, hypothesis, experiment, law, and theory) in natural science.If some scientist wants to find a theory form his or her observation then he or she needs to follow the methodology precisely so that other scientist could use the same method to recreate the experimen t and to prove the theory. In other words, natural science is universal; the theory will not change because of culture, gender or age etc. just like playing piano, as long as one gets the piano sheets, the melody that he or she plays will be the same with others who are at the different age or have different cultural background.However, one’s emotion could effects the accuracy of the natural sciences sometimes. The natural scientists therefore are required to do the experiment over and over again also they try to control all the possible variables in order to avoid the result affected by the emotion. For me, I can prove theories in natural sciences by using the same method as the scientist did. No matter how many times I do the experiment. The result does not change. The strict and universally accept methodology makes me have a very strong faith in theories in natural sciences.Even though we can use different methods to justify most of the natural science theories, some of th e theories are so abstract that even some of the scientists cannot understand them. When facing those theories that I am not smart enough to question or to challenge, I am not a natural science student anymore, I became like an uneducated child, but I am still convinced by those abstruse theories. This is not blind faith, I used reasoning as a way of knowing to decide whether the knowledge is convincing.When I read â€Å"the Brief History of Time† by Steven Hawking I did not understand any theories mentioned in the book, but I still believe it. This is because that since a lot of Hawking’s theories had been commonly accepted, I believe that he is an authority in the field of physics and many other scientists are convinced by Hawking too. As he has been right for a long time ergo I assumed there is enough reason to believe he is right for this time as well. Since there are not many potions and are not many theories that I known of are competing with Hawking’s.I a m sometimes convinced by one natural science theory simply because that the scientist who came up with the theory is the authority and there are not any other theories to believe. If natural sciences are the studies of non-living objects then in my opinion human sciences studies the most vigorous objects, the minds of human beings. As I mentioned earlier, natural science is like playing piano, as long as people follow the symbol written on the piano sheets, they will get the same melody. In contrary, human beings

Thursday, August 15, 2019

A Little Bit of Stress Is Useful

â€Å"A little bit of stress is useful – it keeps people in their toes. † Discuss. In order to answer this question one must first define the various elements in the question. Stress can be defined as ‘The harmful physical and emotional responses that occur when the requirements of the job do not match the capabilities, resources or needs of the worker’ . One can define useful, as stress making a person happy, productive and efficient. Also in terms of an organisation making it successful, efficient and effective. You should use more industrial words here eg producing more units Millions of people suffer from stress on a daily basis. Stress can affect a person’s physical health such as increased heart rate and rise in blood pressure, and can affect a person mentally such as depression. This in turn for organisations can be devastating and potentially detrimental, as this can lead to poor industrial relations and high absenteeism, ‘IHC estimates that 13. 4 million working days a year are lost to stress’. On the face of it this would suggest that stress is indeed a bad thing. Indeed a study reported in the Journal of the American Medical Association showed that those participants who experienced chronic high stress on the job had a considerably greater chance of suffering another heart attack than did those in less stressful jobs. Furthermore there were many cases in world war one of sudden deaths to soldiers who had not endured any wounds, these men probably died of shock when responding to stress. In 1967 Holmes and Rahe carried out a study now called the stress scale where they looked at 5,000 medical patients’ medical records as a way to determine specifically which stressful events caused illnesses, in hierarchical order from the most stressful events to the least. Death of a spouse topped the list followed by, divorce, martial separation and a jail sentence. All these events are intrinsically negative and as such it would be easy to conclude that stress is bad for anyone as it is caused by bad events. However Hooshmand conversely states that ‘stress is just another misunderstood term in the medical practice’ he goes on to say that ‘the phrase any stress is bad (is) nothing further from the truth’. Indeed Lazarus mentions how ‘Hans Selyve suggested two types (of stress) distress and eustress. Distress is the destructive stress illustrated by anger and aggression and it is said to damage health. Eustress is the constructive type, illustrated by emotions associated with emphatic concerns for others†¦ ompatible with or protective of good health’ This is significant, according to Selyve and Lazarus there is, as mentioned above, a ‘distress’ type of stress which is bad- this is where there is too much stress. For example if a manager were to give a deadline which was impossible this may over stimulate and de motivate an employee causing them to do no work. But also mentioned is a ‘eustress’ type of stress which can be seen as ‘useful’ and healthy ‘keeping people on their toes’. This would be where there are small amounts of stress for example if a manager was to set a strict but reasonable deadline it may push the employee on to work harder, stimulating an increasing the employees energy levels to meet the challenge . This shall be mentioned in more detail later on in the essay. Although Lazarus goes on to mention that this hypothesis ‘has not been adequately supported†¦. by empirical research’ there is other evidence to support this claim of eustress. In 1908 Robert M. Yerkes and J. D. Dodson created an experiential relationship between performance and pressure, now known as ‘Yerkes-Dodson Law ’. The law shows that performance actually increases with pressure i. e. stress: the eustress that Selyve went on about, but only up to a point. When levels of pressure become too high, performance decreases, this is known as distress. The process is illustrated graphically as a rounded, inverted U-shaped curve which increases and then decreases with higher levels of pressure. Clearly according to this law one wants to reach the optimum stress levels which is small amounts of stress to keep one on its toes but not too much as this could lead to depression and potentially heart problems. It is now important to look at specifically how eustress can help and be healthy for you. From ‘Yerkes-Dodson Law’ it would not be unreasonable to suggest that eustress is basically stress in small, not large amounts. Leitnerpg states that ‘according to Allen 1983 eustress represents challenge and stimulation for healthy growth and development’ this would suggest that eustress stress gives you the competitive edge roviding you with focus and determination. There are many examples above of stressors likely to produce distress such as divorce but Leitner mentions stressors which produce eustress such as ‘roller coasters and skiing’ It is important to note that people are actually paying for these stressors, thus they can be considered us eful stresses. Some people even thrive on the excitement of stresses this can be best shown in adrenaline junkies, as they seek activities that increase their hormone adrenaline production. Examples of these stress seekers include racing car drivers, politicians and bungee jumpers. It is well known that many employees will leave there work to the last minute they need the stress and adrenaline to get their work done, if there is no stress it is probable this work would never be done. Indeed it is possible to have stressors which can cause both eustress and distress such as exercise, which can be considered a eustress, but when overdone can lead to injuries and illness. Selye points out that ‘whether an activity produces eustress or distress depends on the participant’s perception of the activity’ this can be supported by a quote from Shakespeare ‘things are neither good nor bad, but thinking makes them so’ . Indeed everyone is different when dealing with stress whether stress is good or bad for someone depends on that person. This can be supported by Type A and B personality theory created in the 1950’s . This puts people into two groups . Type A people are according to Friedman, M. & Rosenman ‘impatient, excessively time-conscious, insecure about their status, highly competitive, hostile aggressive, and incapable of relaxation’ . They established a link between type A people and coronary heart disease after analysing data from thousands of people who had beforehand been placed into either type A or Type B group. Whilst type B people are almost the opposite of type A people, relaxed in nature with no sense of time urgency and less easily stressed. Quote The above evidence would suggest that the amount of stress does not matter to a great extent but what does is the type of person as, according to this theory there are two types of people, type A personalities will deal worse with stress than type B personalities. It would not be unreasonable to suggest that a small amount of stress for type B personalities maybe good for that person ensuring they are focused and have more of a sense of time urgency, however the same amount of stress mposed on a type A personality could caused aggravation, anxiety and maybe even heart problems. Indeed some employers will look for employees who not only can naturally deal with stress but actually thrive on it. An example of this can be given of Alan Sugar who makes it clear in the program the apprentice that he is looking for people who can deal with stressful situations by testing them as part of the recruitment process . An essential part of the recruitment procedure is to be able to keep your nerve and defend yourself in the public forum of the board room, an artificially created stressful environment. In this day and age there is bound to be stress due to the nature of work and the fast moving environment around us, it is how we deal with this stress which can determine whether this stress is useful or not. ‘Yerkes-Dodson Law’ dictates that if there is too much stress this can reduce the performance of the individual, thus it is sometimes important for the individual to be able to reduce this stress in order to produce optimal performance. Indeed Ward states that ‘in learning to manage stress effectively you may come to believe that the experiences of stressful periods may become beneficial to you. There are many different ways of dealing with stress and how well you deal with stress will determine how it affects you. A person can exercise to help reduce stress, ‘exercise creates a sense of confidence and control, which reduces stress’ this does not mean just occasional exercise but exercise on a daily basis if possible. Exercise also directly leads to relaxation of the body which can help reduce stress. Having the required sleeping hours is also vital, this will refresh yourself making you feel better the next morning and ready for work. If one does not have the required sleeping hours necessary it can lead to tiredness which can lead directly to stress. So far mainly people and employees have been looked upon, it is important to look at how organisations as a whole deal with stress and if they find it useful or not. Organisations are becoming more and more aware of the importance of stress and its impact on employees. Ward mentions some ways in which companies are taking action to combat stress ‘more are referring employees for health and fitness tests. Others are running stress management courses and providing stress counselling for employees’ . In view of this one can clearly see how important stress is in organisations. Some company’s thrive on stress these mainly seem to be financial orientated organisations. Who are and need to be extremely competitive with other similar organisations, this stress pushes the organisation on to its limits increasing the efficiency and effectiveness of the company. It is not uncommon nowadays for organisations to deliberately impose stress on employees; this can be done by paying employees with high commissions, meaning they are not guaranteed money at all. Some employees actually enjoy this stress, they enjoy the challenge and the buzz. Indeed this can be directly linked to job satisfaction. Other organisations in the health field such as hospitals try to reduce stress, as they feel any stress imposed on patients could be dangerous, one of the things they do to reduce stress is painting the hospital walls green as it is proven that green is a low stress colour can decrease stress. Clearly in the health field stress is deemed as bad but maybe in the financial field stress is seen as useful pushing on the company to success. Thus the usefulness of stress depends upon which type of organisation it’s for. Obviously though too much stress in a financial organisation can cause absenteeism which will ultimately lose the company money. To conclude with regards to organisations as a whole, it just depends on the type of organisation to how useful stress is. In terms of individuals, small amounts of stress which Selye describes as eustress can help keep people on their toes, keeping them focused and acting as a stimulant, pushing them on to work. However it can completely depend on the person. A Type A person may not be able to take that stress and instead of ‘keeping them on their toes’ may cause panic and anxiety. Nonetheless, in saying this, as Yerkes-Dodson law dictates some stress is needed to achieve optimum performance and give people a challenge, which increases job satisfaction. Thus it would be accurate to conclude that ‘a little bit of stress is useful – it keeps people on their toes’. You would improve the structure if you cross reference more eg when you are talking about how stress needs to be in the right quantity, it might be helpful if you mention that later on you will be talking about how stress an be controlled. If you need to add any more – you could talk further about the work life balance – ie however stressful the job – outside activities are essential A further element you could talk about – when discussing different personalities – is that what is stressful for some is not for oth ers. A good example might be of mothers who stay at home and look after children – for some this is v stressful and for others it is an ideal environment. You could also add an international dimension eg in France there is huge job security and longer holidays (I think) in America holidays are short and there is v little job security